Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving in BCN!

Last night I had my very first thanksgiving without my family. Our apartment decided that even though we weren't in the U.S., we would still celebrate thanksgiving the right way. I went to the butcher last week to order a turkey since they don't usually sell turkey's on a daily basis at the meat places. Biljana cooked the turkey. I am so impressed because I never would have known how to do it. I cooked the mashed potatoes, Katherine the corn, Natalie the salad and the vegetable dish, Sara the pan con tomate and alioli, and Mariam the lemon pie! In addition, we had our friend Katie over for dinner and Reuben who is visiting us from Sevilla for the weekend. It was such a spectacular dinner. We had so much fun together and it made me feel much better about not being in the U.S. for the holidays.

Of course I did skype my family - my cameria is now working!! I got to see my Mom, my Dad, Stephen, Sophia, Brian, Uncle Joey, and Uncle Jimmy. I am so excited to have a big family dinner when I get back to the states :)

This week has been wonderful. The first few days were rainy which made things difficult. But Katherine and I didn't let the rain stop us. We went to all the major sites and explored the prettiest neighborhoods. I finally went inside the Sagrada Familia, which was absolutely fascinating. As Gaudi died before it was finished, they continue to build it following his plans. It is nowhere near finished and I really hope I can come back and see it once it is done.

On Wednesday we took a daytrip to Tarragona, a large town on the coast south of Barcelona. It was a beautiful day and I really enjoyed getting out of the hustle and bustle of Barcelona for a little while. We saw a bunch of Roman ruins, including a Roman ampitheater built in 100 BC. Incredible to walk on the stands knowing people sat in that very same spot 2000 years ago. It was really a perfect day because we saw a lot of sites but also were able to relax and enjoy the small town.

Today is Katherine's last day. I think we are going to explore some of her favorite parts of the city and of course go out all night since it is her last chance to dance in the disco's before returning to the U.S!

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