Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Part 2: Sevilla

Wow, it took me almost a week to update the second part of my trip last weekend. We had visitors this weekend so we were quite busy!

Sevilla was a wonderful and beautiful spanish city. It had a much greater spanish feel to it than Barcelona. I love Barcelona but sometimes I wonder if I would have enjoyed studying somewhere like Sevilla more because I would have been immersed in the culture at a much greater level.

While in Sevilla we went on a free walking tour and saw most of the major sites of the city. We also had a chance to enter the Cathedral, which is the largest in the world, and the Alcazar, a famous muslim palace and set of gardens, which was absolutely beautiful.

We went to some amazing tapas bars. The portions were bigger and the prices were cheaper than in Barcelona so its fair to say we were quite satisfied. My favorite tapa of the weekend, which I ordered multiple times, was solomillo al whisky, a tapa of steak covered in a rich whisky sauce.

The first night we went out we went to a disco which had a live band playing spanish music. All of the locals were dancing a version of the "sevillanas," the famous flamenco-like dance of Andalucia. I was really impressed by so many young people dancing in such a traditional fashion and having so much fun with it. It seemed to be a much more special experience than the type of grinding we do at American parties.

All in all I really fell in love with Andalucia. Now that my parents are coming to visit Spain for Christmas we have decided to visit the south of spain for at least a few days! I am very excited to go back and experience the culture for another time.

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