Friday, December 2, 2011

Can an easy button please appear?

Today was a pretty rough day. A girl in my class and I had decided this week that we would go to San Sebastian for the weekend. We don't have classes next week and everyone else had planned giant trips. We both had been last minute in planning (and my pocket was getting a little empty), so we thought going somewhere inside of the country would be easier. San Sebastian is supposed to be beautiful. It is a city located in the Basque country situated right on the Atlantic Ocean. Its a summer vacation city but also a lovely town in the winter with incredible food! It was my second choice study abroad city and sometimes I wonder if I would have been happier there than here in such a big cosmopolitan city.

We decided to be adventurous and rent a car because it was much cheaper than taking a train or bus and we thought it'd be fun to stop along the way and take pictures of the mountains and the scenery. Emily is over 21 so she can rent a car in Spain and it worked out perfectly. However, when we finally made it to the rent a car place today (after standing in line for over an hour I might add) they wouldn't let us rent it due to the fact that neither of us had an international license. We spent 5 hours in between the airport and the train station trying to find other rent a car companies that would let us rent cars. Other companies would let us but their prices were just to high. We finally made it to the train station and found a bus that was leaving in 45 minutes. We were ecstatic. But we should have knocked on wood - the bus was sold out!!!!

Finally around 5 pm we decided to give up and return to our apartments. Hollywood's movies make traveling around Europe seem like a piece of cake. In Eurotrip they wake up and say "hmm lets go here," and then they go there no problem. I guess real life isn't that easy?

We still really wanna make it to San Sebastian so I think we are gonna focus on getting some of our finals work done this weekend and go next week on Tuesday instead. Hopefully we will be more prepared this time!

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