Saturday, September 3, 2011

First day in Barcelona!

After a long night and morning of traveling I finally made it to my apartment in Barcelona and spent my first night! Our apartment is super spacious (pictures will be up soon). My room still doesn't feel like home yet. We are going to buy sheets and bedding today so hopefully that will decorate the room up a little bit. Out of my bedroom window I have the perfect view of Gaudi's famous Sagrada Familia. Of course I also have a perfect view of a construction site and giant crane, but its still a nice view none the less.

After taking a quick nap, Natalie, Biljana (two of my housemates who are also from the University of Richmond), and I took a walking tour around our neighborhood with a lady who works at the University here. Our neighborhood is somewhat on the outskirts of the main city so it has a very charming and cute feel to it. Most of the streets are tiny and its easy to get lost among all of them - believe me, we already have.

I still haven't been in the main (historic) part of the city yet but am hoping to do that today. I am just excited to finally be here and can't wait to spend an entire semester in this beautiful city!

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