Thursday, September 15, 2011

A few good things... and a few bad things...

Ok, so this week has been quite interesting! The start of the week went well. I've made a few spanish friends, which is pretty nice because they know the city much better than us and are full of recommendations. The girls who are coming to richmond next semester from Barcelona are super friendly and love spending time with us! On Wednesday we went up the Tibidabo mountain to have a drink at the top. The bar had amazing views of the city and the ocean. It was really relaxing and nice to spend time with them.
After Tibidabo we all went to an Irish Pub in the center of the city to watch the Barca-Milan futbol match! It was a lot of fun, except a little disappointing when Milan scored at the end to tie the game. There were a lot of Americans at the bar so we ended up meeting some other international students.

After leaving the bar my week turned sour. I went home that night I started to not feel well. It ended up that I had food poisoning and I had to go to the emergency room in the middle of the night. The experience was horrible. No one in the hospital spoke much english and I really had no idea what they were doing to me or what they thought my problem was. Thank god one of my spanish friends was able to drive me there. He also stayed there the whole night until I was able to leave which was super nice. I spent the entire day yesterday in bed. It was awful because I just wanted to be out and about exploring the city like all of the other international students.

I am feeling much better now and will be heading off to Milan for the weekend tomorrow!! I guess its just good that I got sick a few days ago and ot know. I'll be posting pictures of Milan as soon as I return :)

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