Sunday, October 23, 2011

La vida internacional

Last night, my friend Joan and another upf student Marc prepared a traditional catalan dinner for some of us international students. The night was a lot of fun and the food was delicious! Marc's attempt at tortilla de patatas looked a little scary. But once I tried it it was actually quite good. Of course we topped the night off with cava y vino and even played a little bit of kings (I felt like I was back in the US!).

There were only 14 of us but all together we were from 8 different countries! Joan made us go around a say a short speech in each of our native languages and it was incredible to hear the different languages we could all speak. The countries represented were: Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, Estonia, United States, and Korea. Its pretty incredible how small the world becomes when you start to travel. I really hope I keep many of these friends so that when I travel around in the future I will have people to visit!

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